Presto-X in St Louis, MO is joining forces with Bug Out! From all of us at Presto-X and Bug Out, we’re thrilled about the many ways this transition will improve our ability to provide outstanding pest control services to our community.
Presto-X has been providing pest control to homes and businesses since all the way back in 1932. Bug Out understands what this means, and we pledge to continue that proud tradition of customer service excellence and unbeatable pest control.
Although there might be a few minor changes like the name of the company and the uniforms, the high standard of excellence will remain exactly the same.
Presto-X in St Louis Merges with Bug Out
Presto-X in St Louis, MO will now be known as Bug Out.
No, there will be no price changes as a result of this merger. If prices do change in the future, it will be due to enhancements in service quality and/or unexpected market conditions.
No, your service visits will remain the same frequency. Over time, as Presto-X’s and Bug Out’s operations merge, we may identify better ways to serve you and restructure some service programs to improve and streamline our offerings. If that happens, you’ll be notified of any changes in advance.
Your services will be scheduled at a time that’s ideal for the best year-round pest protection. For your convenience, you will be notified 48 hours in advance of your appointment via call or email. Your technician will no longer call the day prior to an appointment.
We understand that trust builds up as you work with a certain technician over time. For this reason, we strive to keep trusted technicians with customers as much as possible. However, as our organization streamlines its operations, it’s possible that some technicians may be reassigned.
Rest assured that every one of our technicians is knowledgeable about the local area and committed to providing you with world-class service.
You may continue using the same phone number and email you do now. Eventually, we may make adjustments to better serve you. We will provide advance notice of any changes. Visit our website at anytime for the latest information.
We’re committed to keeping you informed about any changes that may affect you. We will communicate important updates via mail and email, if you choose.
Please make sure you have valid tax-exempt documentation on file. Customers with invalid tax-exempt documentation will be charged sales tax. When tax-exempt status expires, send updated documentation to
Contact if you need to change the bank account to ensure your account is updated quickly. Any emailed remittance for electronic information should be sent to
Frequently Asked Questions (Presto-X) Serving Missouri
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